11th European Conference on Positive Psychology
The 11th European Conference on Positive Psychology (ECPP 2024) will take place from 10th to 13th of July, 2024 in Innsbruck, Austria. Innsbruck is a scenic town in the heart of the Alps, the centre of Europe and a unique example of the balance between old and new, leisure and work, industry and nature. The theme of the conference is:
The focus will be on the interdependence of human beings embedded in the surrounding world. Topics will address how we can apply the science of well-being to flourish together. Nobody just arrives by themselves on this planet. Nobody lives by themselves alone. We are fully interdependent on one another and our lives are deeply intertwined within a certain context and culture.
The latest advancements in the field of positive psychology and the science of well-being, practical interventions and hands-on experiences will be brought together by leading experts from all over the world in the exciting and spectacular town of Innsbruck.
The conference program will include subjects such as happiness, resilience, hope, flow, meaning, mindfulness and well-being in different domains, settings, and cultures. We promise you an interactive and inspiring conference.
The spectacular setting of Innsbruck among the Alps will allow you to recharge your energy. Literally within minutes, you will be able to reach the highest peaks, inhale clean mountain air, get a bird’s eye view of stunning landscapes allowing you to change your perspective on how you see things.
We are very much looking forward to welcoming you in Innsbruck in July 2024!
Marta Bassi
President of the European Network of Positive Psychology
Università degli Studi di Milano
Dipartimento di Scienze Biomediche e Cliniche
Stefan Höfer
Conference Chair, ECPP 2024
Medical University Innsbruck
Department of Psychiatry II
Important Dates and Deadlines
Review complete!
All submitters have been notified
Please note that you will have to register on the first day of the conference before you can attend the presentations.
Keynote Speakers
Opening Panel
AI and Positive Psychology: Enhancing Wellbeing through Technology?
Huma Shah
Robert McGrath
Invited Speakers
Preconference Workshops
How to Measure and Foster Team Flow
Jef J.J. van den Hout
Positive Psychotherapy: Integrating Symptoms & Strengths to Enhance Resilience and Wellbeing
Tayyab Rashid
Positive Ageing: Living Well After Fifty
Miriam Akhtar
Engaged Spirituality and Practical Meaning: A Workshop About You and For You
Ryan M. Niemiec, Pninit Russo-Netzer, Dan Tomasulo, Holli-Anne Passmore, Elke Paul, Maya Rajah, Ozum Demirel
Positive Psychology Coaching: How to Support Client’s Flourishing in a Coaching Setting
Daniela Blickhan
Mindfulness-Based Strengths Practice (MBSP): New Research, Uplifting Practices
Ryan M. Niemiec
Strong and Positive in Parenting, Education & Leadership
Philip Streit
Positive Narrative Interventions for Educational and Clinical Settings
Chiara Ruini
ASPIRE to wellbeing and learning for all - revisioning education
Sue Roffey
Practical Application of Positive Psychology in Healthcare: Shifting the Focus from Pathology to Salutogenesis with Positive Psychology Approaches
Svala Sigurðardóttir
Playing Positive Psychology: Using Novel Innovative Tools and Faciliation Methodologies to Enhance Your Coaching, Training and Teaching
Ilona Boniwell
RESCUR Surfing the Waves: a resilience programme for early years and primary school children
Carmel Cefai
Building wholebeing: Crafting organisations for greater long-term authentic sustainable change
Aaron Jarden, Andrea Downie, Rebecca Jarden
Reconnect with nature for psychological well-beeing: An experiential workshop
Holli-Anne Passmore, Raina Chhajer
Scientific Committee
Alena Slezackova
Masaryk University, Czechia
Matthew Smith
Buckinghamshire New University, UK
Daniela Blickhan
Deutschsprachiger Dachverband für Positive Psychologie e.V, Germany
Corinna Peifer
University of Lübeck, Germany
Evgeny Osin
University of Paris Nanterre, France
Stefan Höfer
Medical University Innsbruck, Austria
Luca Negri
University of Milano, Italy
Helena Águeda Marujo
Universidade de Lisboa, Portugal
Marta Bassi
University of Milano, Italy
Dóra Guðmundsdóttir
Directorate of Health Iceland, Iceland
Philipp Streit
Positive Psychology Association, Austria
Fiorina Giuliani
Swiss Positive Psychology Association, Switzerland
For any queries about the conference, please get in touch.
Andreas-Hofer Str. 8
6020 Innsbruck